Do it with us, not for us
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A small world globe held in an upright open hand.
4 stick figures. 1 is red, 3 are grey.
The logo for Mambo CMS besides the logo for Joomla! CMS, and the words "because open source matters".
Learning Management Systems.
A woman of color holding a blank slate with the words "Insert microaggression here".
A human hand shaking a computerized outline of a hand coming out of a laptop screen.
Four dancers on a stage. An older woman is in a power wheelchair. A younger woman is standing beside her. The woman in the wheelchair is pushing back on the hand of a young man. In the back is an older, bearded man. The whole images gives the impression of a very fluid struggle.
6 blueberry muffins cooling on a tray.
A stylized graphic with a lot of people of varying backgrounds.
The America's Cup trophy in the foreground, and wide open seas in the background.
Icon of a stylized human, so often used as the icon for accessibility overlays.
Stella Young in her power wheelchair on a TedX stage, with the audience in the background.
Photo: Enzo Amato CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Abled bodied man sitting on a picnic table, handing a drink to a woman in a handcycle. A man on a wheelchair is on the other side of the photo.
Disabled people are not necessarily accessibility experts beyond their own lived experience.
A red brick wall.
Wood blocks with the letters spelling the word change. The letter G is half way turned to reveal the letter C, which would spell out the word chance.
Nicolas Steenhout