Do it with us, not for us
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A small world globe held in an upright open hand.
4 stick figures. 1 is red, 3 are grey.
The logo for Mambo CMS besides the logo for Joomla! CMS, and the words "because open source matters".
Learning Management Systems.
... discrimination or prejudice against disabled people, intentional or not.
A woman of color holding a blank slate with the words "Insert microaggression here".
A human hand shaking a computerized outline of a hand coming out of a laptop screen.
Four dancers on a stage. An older woman is in a power wheelchair. A younger woman is standing beside her. The woman in the wheelchair is pushing back on the hand of a young man. In the back is an older, bearded man. The whole images gives the impression of a very fluid struggle.
6 blueberry muffins cooling on a tray.
A stylized graphic with a lot of people of varying backgrounds.
Your community is you.
The America's Cup trophy in the foreground, and wide open seas in the background.
Icon of a stylized human, so often used as the icon for accessibility overlays.
Stella Young in her power wheelchair on a TedX stage, with the audience in the background.
Photo: Enzo Amato CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Abled bodied man sitting on a picnic table, handing a drink to a woman in a handcycle. A man on a wheelchair is on the other side of the photo.
Disabled people are not necessarily accessibility experts beyond their own lived experience.
Do it with us, not for us
Bring us in, individuals with disabilities. We are more than willing to help you. Just know that we are out there. We want to help you. Because we want to play your games
A red brick wall.
Wood blocks with the letters spelling the word change. The letter G is half way turned to reveal the letter C, which would spell out the word chance.
Nicolas Steenhout